Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh. Hai Other Teachers!

            The other day I bumped into Ollie on the stairs of my building. He lives in the complex with another English teacher. We crossed paths again at my first school yesterday. We took the same bus back towards home after our lessons and he showed me to a dumpling restaurant he knows. We also picked up Casey (potentially Stacy, I can’t remember) who’s still in training and will most likely be assuming my classes once I leave. Ollie is from Edinburgh. He’s wide and thick with brilliantly blue eyes and short brown/ grey hair. He’s good natured and smiles often. Casey/ Stacy is from Yorkshire and has only been here for a few days and is still taking it all in. It was a delightful little lunch and we made plans to meet up for dinner at seven that evening with anyone who’s free.
            Seven rolled around after a long day of lessons, and another encounter with Auntie who came to steal Gavin and I’s passports, and we went down to find Ollie with his roommate Jonathon. Jonathon is from Australia and has a sort of dopey look about him and seems to be perpetually pitched forward but is easy going and good natured. We went to Niko Niko Do (a huge mall that serves as a convenient landmark) to meet Kristy, another English teacher, not our boss, who’s been here for a year already. Kristy, another Australian is twenty one, from Tazmania and appreciates a dark stout.
Kristy, being the most knowledgable of our surroundings, led us to a group dining style restaurant with English menus. It was fantastic. We had fish with honey glaze and lamb with cumin and these pumpkin French fry things and Hoisin pork with a hunk of bread (real, crusty, French bread), and a few other dishes. It was wonderful. We chatted all across the table about our various countries of origin and how they relate to China and one another. Australia has waterproof, plastic money. Who knew?
After a pleasant and leisurely dinner we went our separate ways (as much as can be said, four of us living in the same complex) and retired early. 

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